Portland city councilors will consider a new goal of powering municipal operations with 100 percent clean energy by 2040.

City Councilor Spencer Thibodeau, chairman of the Sustainability and Transportation Committee, is presenting the goal in the form of a council resolution.

Thibodeau formally announced the goal Thursday at a 1 p.m. news conference at City Hall, where he was joined by councilors Belinda Ray and Jill Duson, Mayor Ethan Strimling and Glen Brand, the state director of the Sierra Club.

The sustainability committee plans to amend and revamp the 2008 Municipal Climate Action Plan for the City to include a strategy to achieve the 2040 goal. Councilors Thibodeau, Duson and Ray will take up the matter at the committee’s next meeting on April 25.

The goal would place Portland among a growing number of U.S. communities that are leading efforts to reduce fossil fuel use that contributes to climate change and other environmental issues, according to Brand.

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