The Corinna Elementary School was in lockdown for about an hour and a half Monday afternoon following a report of a suicidal man in the area who was taken into protective custody shortly before 2 p.m., according to reports.

Police were responding to a report of a man who had threatened to harm himself with a knife in an apartment or residence about 200 to 300 yards away from the school, according to Lt. Mark Brooks of the Maine State Police. The man was reportedly taken into protective custody shortly before 2 p.m. when the lockdown was lifted, but police were not immediately available to confirm that.

The school was in lockdown starting at around 12:15 until just before 2, according to Principal Ellen Surprenant.

“We have resumed all normal activity,” Suprenant said around 2 p.m., adding that there was no threat to safety at the school.

At around 1 p.m., Brooks said troopers were at the scene talking with the man and trying to get in touch with his family to get him help. Brooks said the man had only threatened to hurt himself and had not made threats against others.

“Anytime you have something like that happening so close to a school they advise the school to go into a lockdown to make sure nobody goes in or out until they resolve the situation,” Brooks said.

Additional information was not immediately available from police.

This story will be updated.

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