It is with interest that I read the Aug. 5 article “Drought Task Force urges public not to waste water” (Page B1).

Bruce Fitzgerald of the Maine Emergency Management Agency wants Mainers to conserve water.

Yet the state of Maine continues to be complicit or to turn a blind eye to Nestle and their subsidiary Poland Spring Water as they continue to pressure small towns into 20-year water extraction contracts. In recent years, this has included the towns of Poland and Fryeburg, and discussions are underway in Rumford.

Maybe the state should ask Nestle to suspend water extraction during times of drought. This will certainly help conserve a resource that brings tourist dollars to Maine – water.

Maybe the state needs to further regulate the extraction of this resource and limit its shipping to other parts of the country.

Water resources are a possession of every Maine citizen and not just a few.

Michael Schobinger


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