The Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram Poll was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center on June 15-21, 2016. Results are based on landline and cellular telephone interviews with 609 randomly selected Maine adults and 475 randomly selected likely Maine voters. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points for all adults and plus or minus 4.5 percentage points for likely voters.

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2016 presidential preferences

Read the story: Maine voters dissatisfied with presidential options
Detailed poll results with cross-tabs

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By gender
By Congressional district
By educational attainment
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Favorability ratings: Donald Trump

Favorability ratings: Hillary Clinton

Favorability ratings: Gov. Paul LePage

Hypothetical 2018 Senate matchup: LePage vs. King

Maine’s views on immigrants

“Do you know someone who has used heroin or abused painkillers in the past 5 years?”

“Do you favor or oppose the Affordable Care Act?”

“Have your medical costs increased, decreased or remained the same?”

“Have you and your family been better off or worse off under the Affordable Care Act?”

“How do you feel about your current financial situation?”

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