The names of groups and people to whom the Orlando gunman Omar Mateen pledged allegiance are no longer being omitted by the FBI from transcripts of his conversations with authorities during the shooting.

Authorities released a more complete transcript Monday afternoon, saying their earlier decision to withhold the names caused an unnecessary distraction.

The transcript now includes Mateen’s name and confirms he pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, during phone conversations with crisis negotiators.

A statement from the Justice Department says the names were initially omitted so as not to give extremists a publicity platform for hateful propaganda. But the FBI had previously said Mateen pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and other organizations.


2:05 p.m.


Orlando’s police chief won’t answer questions about whether fire from any officers hit club-goers in the Orlando massacre, but he says that if that happened, gunman Omar Mateen is still responsible for those deaths.

Chief John Mina wouldn’t give specifics when asked about the issue during a Monday news conference. But he said: “Here’s what I will tell you. Those killings are on the suspect, on the suspect alone in my mind.”

He says the matter is part of the ongoing investigation. He has stressed that the police department responded as it was trained to do and that officers “acted heroically” in responding to the June 12 shooting that left 49 victims and the shooter dead.


12:30 p.m.

The county medical examiner has released the body of the gunman in the Orlando nightclub massacre.


County officials said Monday that the medical examiner was no longer in possession of 29-year-old Omar Mateen’s body.

They refused to give further details, including the identity of the person who claimed the body or when it body was released. Officials also refused to make public his autopsy report.

The medical examiner previously had said his office kept Mateen’s body separate from the 49 victims who died at the gay nightclub.


12:20 p.m.

City officials have refused to provide hundreds of 911 calls from the Orlando nightclub massacre to The Associated Press and a coalition of news organizations, citing confidentiality under Florida law and arguing that an ongoing investigation kept the tapes secret.


The AP and others requested the 911 tapes and related data, a common practice after such major events. The recordings could offer insight into how law enforcement responded to the worst shooting in modern U.S. history.

Gunman Omar Mateen opened fire at the nightclub early June 12. Forty-nine victims were killed; Mateen also died. The FBI on Monday released a partial, redacted transcript of three 911 calls.

Ron Hopper of the FBI said officials won’t “propagate violent rhetoric” by giving full transcripts.

He also said: “We will not be releasing the 911 calls made by the victims. We are doing this out of respect. Yes, the audio was compelling, but to expose that now would be excruciatingly painful to exploit them in this way.”


12:05 p.m.

House Speaker Paul Ryan is criticizing the FBI for releasing a partial transcript of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen’s conversation with a 911 dispatcher, calling it “preposterous.”

The Wisconsin Republican called on the Obama administration to release the full, transcript with no redactions “so the public is clear-eyed about who did this, and why.”

Ryan said in a statement Monday: “We know the shooter was a radical Islamist extremist inspired by ISIS. We also know he intentionally targeted the LGBT community.”

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