After reading the four letters to the editor Jan. 4, which were all brilliant, and the lead editorial, I thought I’d give the Maine Voices a go (“Requiring licenses for too many jobs hinders economic mobility”).

Man, was I wrong to do that! First off, since when does an executive from Kansas, working for the Koch brothers, qualify as a “Maine Voice”?

OK, this 1 percenter wants to roll back the required licensing of occupations. Why? Certainly not to help the low-income, entry-level-job folks!

His kind want to get rid of any regulations so that the corporations can work the “slaves” (the low-income, entry-level-job folks) as hard as they can, in unsafe conditions, to maximize the profits of their stockholders.

Think this couldn’t happen? Think again: Numerous academic studies have shown that the lobbying financed by the Koch brothers to slow passage of natural gas “fracking” regulations has already cost hundreds of lives.

I would like to know who got the kickback to have this “stuff” published in your paper. Come on, we are Mainers, not zombies!

Steev Sutton

Cape Elizabeth

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