WASHINGTON – The House has rebuked President Barack Obama by ignoring his veto threat and approving a Republican bill erecting fresh barriers for Syrian and Iraqi refugees trying to enter the United States.

Thursday’s passage came on a 289-137 vote – exceeding the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a veto. Maine’s two members of the House split on the vote.

The roll call came after White House officials visited the Capitol and lobbied Democrats to oppose the legislation. Dozens of them ended up joining Republicans, anyway, and supporting the measure.

The curbs would in effect suspend the entry of Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the U.S. for months or years.

Republicans said tighter restrictions are needed following last week’s Paris terrorist attacks. Obama and most Democrats said the system was already safe and the U.S. shouldn’t abandon its tradition of accepting refugees.

Rep. Bruce Poliquin, R-Maine, voted with the majority in favor of the bill.

“With the serious threats that America faces today, it is vital that we push to stop this Administration’s dangerous refugee resettlement program until we can ensure, for certain, that exhaustive measures are in place to keep our families and communities safe,” Poliquin said in a written statement.

Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine, voted against the bill.

“As our country fights terrorism, it is absolutely critical that we take all steps necessary to protect the safety of the American people at home. That is why the United States has developed the lengthiest and most robust process in the world to screen the security risk of refugees — a process that can take up to three years, involves multiple checks and the coordination of many agencies,” she said in a written statement. “I support steps to strengthen this process — such as devoting more resources to performing these checks — but this legislation does not do that, nor does it make our country safer.”

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