The Maine Technology Institute has awarded grants totaling $92,414 to four Maine startups developing products in the aquaculture, information technology and building supply industries.

MTI, a state-backed agency that supports innovative companies, provided Business Accelerator Grants to the following companies:

Acadia Harvest in Brunswick, developing a land-based aquaculture facility, received a grant of $49,975, which the company matched with $657,685 from other sources;

Joseph Associates Inc., a Farmingdale-based software company working in the environmental and energy consulting space, received $22,977, which the company matched with an equal amount;

Revolution Research Inc., an Orono-based company started by two University of Maine students that is developing new insulation products for the building supply industry, received $15,000, which the company matched with a $224,996 investment raised from other sources.

Business Accelerator Grants are available to early-stage companies that have in the past received MTI Development Loans or certain federal research-and-development grants.

• MTI also awarded a Phase 0 Kickstarter grant of $4,462 to American Unagi LLC in Thomaston, matched by $5,000 in other funds. The company is growing locally harvested eels to market size. This type of grant is provided to Maine companies preparing to apply for federal grants available through the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.

“As part of our statutory mandate to fund precursors to commercialization of innovative new products and services, and to provide technical assistance to Maine small businesses to develop competitive federal funding proposals, the Maine Technology Institute is pleased to make these foundational investments,” Brian Whitney, MTI’s president, said in a statement.

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