PORTLAND — Voters in today’s Democratic primary in Portland selected Erik Jorgensen, Richard Farnsworth and Matthew Moonen in three contested races for the Maine House of Representatives.

With 312 votes, Jorgensen easily beat former Cumberland County Commissioner Malory Shaughnessy (234) and Portland school board member Justin Costa (182) in House District 115, which includes the Back Cove and Deering neighborhoods.


After the race, Jorgensen said the low turnout surprised him – only 10 percent of registered voters cast ballots in Portland – but he said his opponents were “terrific.”


“This is the kind of race you want to be a part of,” he said.


In the general election, Jorgensen will face two opponents: Republican Christopher Jordan and Green Independent Party nominee Seth Berner.


In House District 117, Richard Farnsworth (367 votes) beat retired teacher Dauna Binder (174) and transportation advocate Anthony Donovan (59). The district includes the Stroudwater and Rosemont neighborhoods.

Farnsworth will face two candidates in the general election in November: Republican David Caron and Green Independent Party candidate William Linnell.

“I’m tickled pink,” Farnsworth said after the victory. He said he spent 13 hours at the polling location on Stevens Avenue today and knocked on nearly 1,800 doors during the campaign.

“You get to meet a lot of people, get a lot of good feedback and that helps you craft your message to what people’s concerns are,” he said of knocking on so many doors. “You (also) get to educate them about the issues.”


In House District 118, Michael Moonen (406 votes) beat secruity guard Dillon Bates (190) in House District 118, which encompasses Portland’s West End.

Moonen will face two opponents in the general election: Thomas MacMillan of the Green Independent Party and Republican Chase Martin.


Because the city is a Democratic stronghold, all three nominees will be the strong favorites in the general election in November. The Republican and Green Independent parties had no contested primary races in the city this year.

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