The year 2011 has been a tumultuous one, both here in Maine and throughout the world. In times of trouble, we turn to a Current Publishing tradition in using the most sophisticated technology available in the newsroom for predicting events in the coming year – the Magic 8 Ball.

It’s proven to be popular with readers, or at least no one’s complained. So, with a new year here once again, we shook this somewhat unreliable and occasionally vague fortune-telling machine in order to answer some serious and not-so-serious questions.

Q: Will a barrage of backyard fireworks at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 1 be mistaken for an early sunrise?

A: Yes.

Q: Will Gov. Paul LePage suggest a national park for Cape Elizabeth?

A: Outlook good.


Q: Will wood from Elsa the Elm be used to build the new Wentworth Intermediate School in Scarborough?

A: My reply is no.

Q: Will efforts to save the cottontail rabbits backfire as the rapidly reproducing bunnies take over Crescent Beach State Park?

A: Better not tell you now.

(Worried. Wait five minutes. Ask again.)

A: My reply is no.



Q: Will the Biddeford Downs proposal return to the statewide ballot in 2012?

A: Cannot predict now.

Q: Will Republicans remain the majority party in the Legislature following the 2012 election?

A: Very doubtful.

Q: Will President Obama win re-election?


A: Outlook good.

Q: Will Westbrook native Pat Gallant-Charette attempt a swim across the Atlantic?

A: It is decidedly so.

Q: Will Westbrook residents see a new building at the site of Maine Rubber on Main Street?

A: Cannot predict now.

Q: Will a new artificial turf field at University of Southern Maine be considered for the 2013 Super Bowl?


A: You may rely on it.

Q: Will the Loon Echo Land Trust be successful in its effort to preserve Hacker’s Hill?

A: Outlook good.

Q: Will 2012 see the development of Keddy Milll in South Windham?

A: Reply hazy. Try again.

(Try again.)


A: My reply is no.

Q: Will the ghost of the Songo River Queen haunt the Naples Causeway?

A: Ask again later.

(Wait five minutes. Ask again.)

A: Reply hazy. Try again.

(Try again)

A: Signs point to yes.

Ben Bragdon is the managing editor of Current Publishing. He can be reached at or followed on Twitter.

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