LIBRARY PATRONS can now download more than 1,100 e-book titles to their home computers via a Maine Libraries Consortium program. The online collection contains about 1,800 titles. Visit www. and use the “download library” link. Information on how to use the system is available through an easy-to-use tutorial. For details, call 384-3308.


MICHAEL RIZZO, a junior at Saint Joseph’s Colleg majoring in education, tied a ribbon during an anti-bullying event to honor six teenagers and young adults nationwide who have committed suicide as a result of being bullied. More than 300 ribbons were added to the symbolic tree wrapped in lights and combined with NOH8 stickers that read, “Not on my campus, not in my community.” The event was sponsored by the Counseling Center and the Social Justice Club on campus.


THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 443 Main St., is holding its 2010 annual appeal to fund its services, including children’s programs, downloadable books and genealogy research. Go to www. or call 324-4624.



A “STUFF THE BUS” Election Day food collection sponsored by the Biddeford-Saco Rotary Club and the communities of Biddeford, Saco and Old Orchard Beach has raised 1,965 pounds of food and $2,920 in cash to benefit the Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry and Clothes Closet, the Stone Soup Food Pantry and the Saco Food Pantry. Those funds will be used to buy food from the Good-Shepherd Food Bank in Auburn. For each $1 spent, the food pantries will receive $13 worth of food.


THE YORK COUNTY Shelter Program, Caring Unlimited and the Church Community Outreach Program each will receive $16,700 to further their work to provide housing, food and fuel assistance to York County families. The funds were raised during the Webhannet Charity Classic Golf tournament Sept. 17. For more details, call 967-3609.


CHAD WHITTEN has received the Liberty Mutual Athlete of the Month Award for September for his sportsmanship and academic abilities. A fullback and linebacker for the Warriors, Whitten retains a 3.0 grade average or better.


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