Independent gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler raised about $440,000 between July 14 and Sept. 14, according to a campaign finance report filed with state officials today.

About $157,000 came from individual donors and about $257,000 was loaned to the campaign by Cutler himself. His campaign spent about $367,000 during the reporting period and has about $122,000 in available cash, according to his campaign finance report.

The reports had been due at midnight on Tuesday, but because of a website issue, the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices allowed campaigns another day to file their reports.

Republican gubernatorial nominee and Waterville Mayor Paul LePage raised about $400,000 during the last campaign finance reporting period.

LePage, the race’s frontrunner according to several recent polls, far out-raised independent candidates Shawn Moody and Kevin Scott, the other privately financed candidates to file on Tuesday. Moody of Gorham raised about $30,000 and Scott, of Andover, raised just $8,650.


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