Planetarium programs

The University of Southern Maine planetarium is kicking off the fall season with a number of events.

The planetarium will be closed this weekend through Monday, but will start up Sept. 8 with a telescope workshop at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $4 for children for matinees, $6 for adults and $5 for children for evening astronomy shows, $8 for adults and $5 for children for the telescope workshops. For a full listing of offerings, visit www.usm.maine.edu/planet or call 780-4249.


SAT preparation class


Maine Prep’s Fall SAT prep class begins at 6 p.m. Thursday at Deering High School on Stevens Avenue.

The course, taught by Kathryn Toppan, an advance placement English teacher at Deering High School, meets from 6 to 8 p.m. every Monday and Thursday through Oct. 7. It will prepare area high school juniors and seniors to take the October PSAT or SAT tests.

For more information or to register, call 798-5690 or email maineprep@gmail.com.


Arts Alive evening out

The first Saturday New Gloucester Arts Alive will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday.


Artisan and painter Jonathan Blatchford will showcase his work at the First Congregational Church in the community room. A discount voucher can be picked up at the artisan showcase for dinner at the Village Store. The evening can be completed by stopping in the Village Coffeehouse at 7:30 p.m. with a performance by Rebecca Wing, jazz musician and pianist.

For more information, call 926-3260.


Gel printing workshop

There will be a gel printing workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village on Route 26.

Participants will learn how to make prints using simple techniques that will create a variety of images. The cost for the course is $40. To register in advance, call 926-4597.



Genealogical society meets

The Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society will meet at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 29 Ocean Road.

The speaker at 1 p.m. will be Fred Boyle, a former certified genealogist and self-published author of “Early Families,” books on Sanford, Shapleigh, Acton and Alfred.


Mended Hearts on hygiene


The Mended Hearts meeting on “Infection Control: Good Hand Hygiene Is Just a Start” will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday at Maine Medical Center’s Learning Resource Center, 100 Campus Drive.

John Lavin of Maine Medical Center’s Infection Control Department will address ways germs are spread and how to lower your chances of getting sick. The group meets on the first Thursday of every month for heart event survivors, family and anyone interested in staying heart healthy. For more information, visit www.mendedhearts.org or call 662-2543.


Cub Scout sign-up night

A Cub Scout sign-up night will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Russell School for students in Gray and New Gloucester.

This program is for boys grades 1 to 5, combining outdoor activities, sports, academics and more in a fun and exciting approach. This will be a sign-up night for the packs in Gray and New Gloucester. For more information, call cubmaster Bob Edwards at 657-2663 or cubmaster Doug Riddell at 926-5486.


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