I support Michael Perfetti for re-election to the Cumberland Town Council . As president of my condominium association, I have appeared before the council and found Councilor Perfetti to be willing to listen and take initiative to understand all aspects of an issue before casting his vote. I also serve on the Town Center Advisory Committee. Councilor Perfetti is one of three members of the Town Council who act as liaison to the committee. I have observed Councilor Perfetti to weigh issues fairly, be open to contrasting opinion and clearly state his positions regarding the subject matter.

As a relatively new member of the Town Council, he has been willing to challenge conventional opinion and make his case at times in opposition to the majority thinking of his fellow councilors. I respect his independence of thought and believe he has the best interests of the citizens of Cumberland foremost in his decision-making process.

Serving on a Town Council is a time-consuming and at times difficult job. I am pleased that Michael Perfetti is seeking another term on our Town Council. He obviously has my vote. I urge residents of Cumberland to join me and return Michael Perfetti to our Town Council.

Tom Foley

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