Turtle program at library

Raymond Village Library will offer a nature program for school children at 2 p.m. today detailing the lives of terrestrial and aquatic turtles and endangered turtles.

The talk will be given by Jocelyn Hubbell, executive director of the Cornerstones of Science program. The event will include a related craft. For more details, call 655-4283.


Discussion about ticks


Southern Maine Medical Center, at 1 Medical Center Drive, will host the talk “Ticked Off About Ticks? Arm Yourself with the Latest Info” 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday as part of its Dinners with Doctors series.

Dr. Thomas Courtney, SMMC PrimeCare Infectious Disease specialist, will lead the talk detailing what you need to know about Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.

The $5 fee includes a light dinner. Seating is limited and pre-registration required by calling 283-7272.



Mayflower Descendants


Friday marks the reservation deadline for those wishing to attend the Maine Society of Mayflower Descendants open meeting at noon May 1 at the Captain’s Gallery at 168 Saco Ave.

Lynde C. Randall will be speaker. Cost is $18 and includes lunch. For details, call 846-0516.


Kindergarten registration

Appointments for Kindergarten enrollment are being accepted from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Mondayr. Registration and screening of each child will be held May 25-27 for children who are age 5 on Oct. 15. To schedule an appointment, call 934-2891.



Dog obedience classes

The Coastal Humane Society, at 30 Range Road, will offer dog obedience courses for puppy, beginner and intermediate level canines May 3 and 4.

Those classes will meet for six weeks, with sessions held from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. or from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost is $50 for dog previously adopted from the humane society and $85 for all others.

Call 725-5051, ext. 23 or go to www.CoastalHumaneSociety.org.


Pinhole camera program


Members of Portland Pinhole and Plastic Camera Group will host a free pinhole camera workshop and demonstration at 10 a.m. on Saturday in the Morrell Meeting Room at Curtis Memorial Library, at 23 Pleasant St.

For details, go to www.curtislibrary.com/programs-events/library-calendar/.


Paul Robeson to be topic

“Paul Robeson: The Life and Times of a Great American Voice,” is the topic of a free talk by Michael Paul Lund at 7 p.m. Thursday at Curtis Memorial Library. Refreshments will be served. For details, call 725-5242.



Talk on yacht design

Marine architect Robert Stephens of Stephens, Waring, and White Yacht Design, will present the talk “An Evolving Tradition: Modern Yacht Design and Construction on the Maine Coast” at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Camden Public Library, 55 Main St.

The talk will cover up-to-date design methods and materials and the current state of boat construction and design in Maine. For more details, call 236-3440.


‘Terrible’ good old days

Bethel Historical Society will sponsor the symposium “The Good Old Days: They Were Terrible,” featuring talks by a number of historians, from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday at the Dr. Moses Mason House Exhibit Hall at 14 Broad St. The event is free and open to the public. For more details, call 824-2908 or go to www.bethelhistorical.org.



Advanced beginner’s bridge

The Senior Center at Lower Village will offer a six-week course in Advanced Beginner’s Bridge with Bob Blackmore beginning April 30.

Lessons are held at the Center from 9:30 a.m. until noon on Fridays. The cost is $40 for Senior Center members and $60 for all others. To register, drop by the center at 175 Port Road.


Anime day at library


The Kennebunk Free Library will host an Anime Day in Hank’s Room beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday. The first part of the program is a one hour Anime drawing class followed by an Anime Cosplay party at 1 p.m. Drawing materials will be provided by the library free of charge or students may opt to bring their own sketch pads or drawing pencils. Class size is limited and pre-registration is required by calling 985-2173 or e-mailing ys@kennebunk.lib.me.us.


New School garden classes

The New School, at 38 York St., will offer several classes on Saturday. Workshops on making goat cheese and compost will be held from 2 to 5:30 p.m. for $15 each; a session on celebrating local foods with spring greens and accompaniments will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for $8 for adults and $5 for children and a guest speaker will detail organic gardening at 7 p.m. To register, call 985-3745.


Senior downsizing talk


Huntington Common will present “The Upside to Downsizing,” a talk on how seniors movin to retirement communities affects families, at 2 p.m. April 28. The session is free but advance reservations required by calling 985-2810 by Friday.

A question and answer session will follow the presentation. Refreshments will be served.


Get Movin’ contest

Get Movin’ Kennebunks has begun accepting registration for its “The Most Miles in May Challenge,” a daily walking program with pledges.

Proceeds will support reation of an Outdoor Adventure Classroom at the Middle School of the Kennebunks. Enrollment is through May 1 at Quest Fitness, located in the Goodall Health Center at 2 Livewell Drive, or call 467-3800. The first 250 registrants will receive a free T-shirt and a oodie bag. All participants will receive a pedometer.


Bargain fabric fair

A fabric fair featuring more than 700 yards of fabric at bargain prices to be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday and Sunday at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church on Main Street. For details, call Nancy Ann Chandler at 985-9095.


Watching woodcocks walk

Boothbay Region Land Trust volunteers Barbara Gibson and Jean Howe will lead Watching Woodcocks at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday at Zak Preserve at Wildcat Creek, Route 27. Participants will hope to see the American Woodcock, which has an intricate mating display that occurs at dusk. The event is free and open to the public. Advance reservations are requested by calling 633-4818 or e-mail brlt.@brlt.org.



Program on school history

The Windham Historical Society will offer the public program “Windham School: A Historical Perspective, 1770 to 1970” at 7 p.m. on Monday at the Windham Road Center’s old brick town house.

Many old school photographs and artifacts from the towns educational past will be included. Refreshments will be served. For details, e-mail kso48@aol.com or go to www.windhamhistorical.org.


Earth Day at Wells Reserve

The Wells Reserve, at 342 Laudholm Farm Road, will host an Earth Day Celebration from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday featuring a green fair, concerts, nature walks and a beach clean-up. The event is free. For details, go to www.wellsreserve.org or call 646-1555.



War of 1812 talk at library

James H. Ellis will speak on a “A Ruinous and Unhappy War: Maine and the War of 1812” on at 7 p.m. on Tuesday at the Waldoboro Public Library at 958 Main St. For more details, call 832-4484.


Training for part-time police

The Fryeburg Police Department will sponsor a two-week Maine Criminal Justice Academy Law Enforcement Pre-service Training Program, starting April 28, for people age 21 or older who seek to become part-time police officer.


The sessions run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applicants must first complete an ALERT test, scheduled today in Westbrook and on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in Vassalboro. That test is $40. Call 877-8000 to register. The fee for the pre-service training program is $375. For details, call 935-3323.


Impressionism DVDs

The Sanford/Springvale Art Association and Nasson Community Center will co-sponsor the first part of a six-week DVD lecture series entitled, “From Monet to Van Gogh: A History of Impressionism” beginning today at The Little Theatre.

Refreshments will be served. Cost is $10 in advance for the entire series or $2 at the door. Advance tickets are advised. For more details, call 324-5657.



‘No Impact Man’ showing

The York Energy Efficiency Committee and the York Public Library will show the film “No Impact Man,” at 7 p.m. on Friday, followed by a discussion. The documentary is look at one man’s decision to live off the grid for one year. For more details, call 363-2818 or go to www.york.lib.me.us.


Self-protection classes

Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center, at 521 Main St., will host a Women’s Self-Protection Seminar from 1 to 3 p.m. on April 22 and 29 with Jim Gogolinski, founder of the Mid-Coastal Institute of Karate in Newcastle. The cost is $40. Advance registration is required by calling 563-1363. Deadline for sign-up is today.



Red Cross swim classes

The Wiscasset Community Center will offer an American Red Cross “Learn to Swim” program for children ages 4 to 14. Level 1 classes begin from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. on Monday and will run through June 21. They will be taught by certified swim instructors. Sessions are $32 for members and $49 for all others. For a complete list of levels, times and starting dates, call Lori LaPointe at 882-8230.


Big trucks at library

The Topsham Public Library, at 25 Foreside Road, will host Big Truck Day from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, offering community members of all ages a chance to explore fire trucks, bulldozers up close and other large vehicles up close. The event is free and open to the public. For more details, call 725-1727.



Electronic recycling

The Local West Bay Rotary Club is organizing a two-day event to collect and recycle old and broken electronics. Electronic waste will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday and again on May 1 at the former Rockport Elementary School East on West Street, Routes 1 and 90.

Items may be recycled for free but donations are appreciated. A fee schedule for businesses is available by calling Rick Clark at 449-1709.


Rabies clinic Monday

A Rabies Clinic will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday at the Sebago Lake Congregational Church at 410 Northeast Road, Route 35.

Cost is $8 per pet and by cash only. Please bring a previous copy of the pet’s rabies certificate if possible. Cats should be secured in cages and dogs on a leash. For more details, call Betty Field at 642-2464 or the Standish animal control officer at 642-4343.


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