Gov. John Baldacci will host a spaghetti supper in Portland next week to help raise funds for Preble Street’s Homeless Voices for Justice program, which recently lost a major source of funding from the Catholic Church.

The event is scheduled from 5 to 8 p.m. April 14 at the Italian Heritage Center at 40 Westland Ave.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland and the Washington-based Catholic Campaign for Human Development canceled their grants for the homeless program because of Preble Street’s support for same-sex marriage in last fall’s statewide referendum.

As a result, Homeless Voices for Justice lost $17,400 for this fiscal year. Gay activists from around the nation have been sending checks to Preble Street to replace the funding.

Church officials say Preble Street’s support violated its grant agreements. The diocese, which organized the campaign to overturn Maine’s law to allow same-sex marriage, requires grant recipients to avoid taking political stands that are contrary to church positions.

Organizers of the April 14 dinner will ask guests to pay $5, or whatever the individual can afford.

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