Politicians won’t rein in spending
Sens. Olympia Snowe and Sen. Susan Collins and Rep. Chellie Pingree continue to vote for more and more spending.
I’m sure their intentions are good. However, the big question many of us have is, who will pay these massive debts? Are there any taxpayers who understand who will pay?
When I call the offices of Snowe, Collins and Pingree they have no answer to the simple question: What is the plan to repay these massive debts you are putting on us?
Any responsible adult has a plan to repay a debt before they take on the debt. Our current politicians will not answer the questions.
Who will pay? What is the plan to repay these debts? When you study the spending Washington is doing, the only conclusion is we are drowning in debt!
If this spending continues, our country will be bankrupt.
Is that possibility OK with you? The actions of Snowe, Collins and Pingree show the bankruptcy of our country is OK with them.
What a sad time in our history to see Maine’s representatives vote us into a weak, bankrupt situation.
James C. Waterhouse
Rosa Scarcelli rated as great for governor
I was so pleased to have been one of 25 women to have attended a Moms’ Night Out at The Brunswick Inn with Maine gubernatorial candidate Rosa Scarcelli.
Rosa’s views on important issues were sound, well-rounded and exact. The fact that Rosa acknowledged the unique perspective of moms – our diverse skills and interests as well as our huge stake in the future of Maine – was impressive.
As a mom herself, Rosa understood the full range of our concerns, from education to safety to a strong local economy. Rosa is very smart, genuine and refreshingly receptive to new ideas.
So confident in her own skin, no doubt this quiet confidence will make her a fine governor for our magnificent state of Maine. Not to mention her sharp sense of humor!
I was captivated by her depth of knowledge concerning the most important issues we are facing as a state, and I urge others to investigate her on the Internet, read about her in newspapers and try to meet with her and have a conversation.
She’s one not to be missed!
Marsha Dutton
Westbrook makes progress, so please don’t let it falter
It is a time for celebration in Westbrook! It is safe to say the new middle school has exceeded our expectations.
The use of natural light and wood throughout the building makes it a very warm and welcoming place to come and learn.
Also, the classrooms have the latest in technology. The students, teachers and staff are adapting very well and are enjoying the privilege of being the first to attend the school.
Our state-of-the art building is truly a gift and it will serve the city very well for many years to come.
We are all very proud of our new school and want to say thank you to the citizens of Westbrook.
Trina Couture
President, Parent Teacher Organization
Westbrook Middle School
I applaud Westbrook Mayor Colleen Hilton’s view that many conflicts can be resolved through negotiation. For negotiation to succeed, however, there has to be an achievable outcome which is beneficial to all parties involved.
In the ongoing dispute between Pike Industries and the neighbors of its open pit mine on Spring Street, there is no benefit to the neighbors of having an active mine nearby.
Any agreement that allows Pike to operate the mine will result in a decrease in property values, a loss of tranquility, and putting up with traffic, dust, noise, vibration, damage to foundations, and increased pollution.
Far from being beneficial, any negotiated agreement allowing Pike to operate will be highly detrimental to the neighbors’ interests.
And the city, which (theoretically, at least) is acting as a disinterested party in the negotiations, loses.
An active open pit mine around the corner from its Five Star Industrial Park will cause businesses currently in the park to rethink their expansion plans or even to relocate, and discourage new businesses from moving in.
The result will be a loss of far more jobs and tax revenue than Pike could ever provide. The only party which stands to gain in the current negotiations is Pike Industries.
So, I cannot fathom why the city of Westbrook appears so eager to see a negotiated agreement permitting Pike to operate. I hope the city and Mayor Hilton come to realize that such an agreement would be contrary to the interests of both the neighbors of the mine and of the city in general.
Allowing Pike to operate an open pit mine on Spring Street would be a bad deal for Westbrook.
Charles Ewing
Out-of-staters don’t have same values as Mainers
Ms. Marjorie Mitchell’s letter of Feb. 17 represents exactly the attitude that continues to hinder our state’s economic development and our push to develop clean energy.
Her letter illustrates the divide between the out-of-staters who come up here to vacation, and the rest of us, who actually work here and are trying to make a living.
Ms. Mitchell is upset that sustainable, green, economic development and energy independence for the state of Maine might diminish the view at her vacation home for the few weeks she spends here each year.
While we certainly welcome the tourists, and agree with Ms. Mitchell that Maine is a wonderful, beautiful treasure, unlike Ms. Mitchell, we don’t have two homes – we live here all the time – and we can’t afford to live here without economic development and sustainable, low-cost energy.
Some of the most vocal critics of wind power in Maine are non-resident out-of-staters, just like Ms. Mitchell, who want to make time stand still in Maine so they can enjoy the bucolic views. Well, while they’re enjoying the view, the rest of us have to work to put food on the table and support our families and wind power projects create hundreds of jobs and millions in economic spinoff.
Let’s keep Maine moving toward green jobs and green energy.
Gardiner Parker
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