PORTLAND — Grace-Street Ministry, a nonprofit organization working through Stevens Avenue Congregational Church, has been selected to participate in this year’s Feinstein Challenge.

For 13 years, Alan Feinstein, a Rhode Island philanthropist, has divided $1 million among agencies serving the hungry and poor. Through April 30, any donation to Grace-Street Ministry will be enhanced by a contribution from Feinstein.

Grace-Street Ministry was founded in April 2006 by two United Church of Christ ministers. The pastor and volunteers conduct outdoor prayer services and support groups and listen to the spiritual, emotional and physical concerns of those on the street and in shelters.

A donation in any amount is welcome. Mail contributions to Grace-Street Ministry, P.O. Box 7967, Portland, ME 04112, through the end of April. The Web site is www.gracestreetministry.blogspot.com.


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