Nuclear power: Has it lost its glow?
A resurgence of nuclear power generation in America could be the greatest possible simulative effect on our nation’s economy.
Millions would find near-term employment, while hundreds of thousands would be provided permanent full-time jobs.
With the addition of a huge expansion in the production of electric vehicles, many new manufacturing jobs would be created and our dependence on foreign oils would cease, thus allowing our hard-earned dollars to remain in America.
The lower cost and stability of nuclear-produced energy would be a tremendous catalyst in all segments of manufacturing and innovation, including greenhouse food production.
For this nuclear power resurgence to occur, the government must create a second Manhattan Project. Laws must be written to standardize and streamline the creation and placement of new plants.
The application process must be provided rules, regulations and laws to prevent phony suits and other delaying tactics from being employed. This would greatly reduce the startup costs and reduce the time for new plants to come online.
America must resume producing all of its energy needs. Let’s start today!
James Spiller
Let’s hope for the sake of our planet that this door closes before it opens! Never any talk of conservation or how to change the extreme wastefulness of our society nor the real dangers of nuclear power plants looked at forcefully.
Nuclear power plants are comparatively short-lived with waste products that are excessively long-lived. (How about 10,000 years?)
I suggest that anyone who wants these plants should volunteer to move near and/or work in them. Any hands?
Phyllis Janto
It has been 36 years in the United States since private money supported the construction of a nuclear plant. Ever wonder why? Wall Street doesn’t like the risk.
So, why would our President Obama offer to guarantee more than $8 billion worth of backing for construction of two reactors in Georgia? Maybe we should step back and look at two close senior members of his staff, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel.
They both worked for Exelon, a firm that operates 18 nuclear plants in the country, one-quarter of the industry. Exelon also gave great financial support to our ”change” candidate Obama. So this makes sense — from a personal financial position.
Does a nuclear guarantee make sense for our nation? How about the 800 jobs it will create? These jobs cost about $10 million each, just think how many ”green” jobs could come from that. Remember green jobs?
Then there’s the question of nuclear waste. Yucca Mountain was to be the long-term site, but not now. We have no long-term spot for waste, so let’s just make more waste?
Then there’s safety. Chernobyl, we don’t want that, nor another Three Mile Island. Many plants are leaking tritium, including Vermont Yankee.
No, this decision of huge guarantees does not make sense for our nation, and I am joined by the Cato Institute, National Taxpayers Union, Taxpayers for Common Sense, Greenpeace and many other organizations in that view.
This is not a liberal nor conservative issue, this is a decision wrong for financial and environmental reasons.
Daniel O. Rynberg
Cheverus player’s eligibility shouldn’t be such a big deal
Thank you to sports writer Steve Solloway for shedding light on the eligibility concerns of Indiana Faithfull in the ”A tourney tumult to untangle” article on Feb. 17.
I don’t think the issue is with Cheverus Coach Bob Brown blowing the whistle on his own player or anyone trying to cheat the system. The real problem seems to lie in the Maine Principals Association rule itself.
It seems absurd that a player would become ineligible in the last few weeks of a season. If Indiana was eligible to play basketball at Cheverus on Nov. 16, the first practice date allowed by the MPA, then he should be eligible to complete the season.
Indiana was permitted to play in about 11 games through Jan. 22, when the semester ended. According to the MPA rule, he was technically no longer eligible for the final six games of the regular season. On Jan. 22 he is legal, but on Jan. 25 he is not?
The MPA rule makes sense for the sports that occur in the fall or spring seasons, when they clearly take place within a semester.
However, when you have winter sports that overlap semesters, the eligibility rule should come in to play at the beginning of the season rather then the end.
Pam Russell
In regards to the recent eligibility for the Cheverus player, Indiana Faithfull, if you have used up all your semesters whether it be here or Australia, then you should no longer be allowed to exceed that.
The Maine Principals Association seems to have changed its tune when the word ”lawsuit” comes about. Shame on Cheverus and the MPA to have let it get to this point.
Ed Reagan
Falmouth’s e-mail policy worth a cc to everyone
As a Falmouth town councilor and a retired journalist, I wholeheartedly endorse efforts in the Legislature to prevent public officials from making substantive decisions via e-mail.
Unfortunately, when bill sponsor Rep. Stacy Dostie, D-Sabbatus, decried the practice before the Judiciary Committee as ”the smoking back room of the 21st century,” she said, ”We hear of these types of situations happening all over our state.” She named five communities. One was Falmouth.
Falmouth actually should be known for transparency, not smoky air. Recognizing the potential dangers to open government, the Falmouth Town Council adopted an e-mail policy in 2007 that was the first of its kind and is viewed as a model in Maine.
It applies to three or more members of the council, voluntary board or committee and states that e-mail is to be used only for non-substantive matters such as scheduling, developing agendas or disseminating reports. It is not to be used for deliberation, discussion or voting on matters properly confined to public meetings.
If the policy is not followed or there is a question whether it has been followed, the e-mails in question must be printed and disclosed at the next meeting of the body.
For decades as a journalist I advocated for the public’s right to know how government makes decisions. Now I am proud to be part of a council that shares that commitment.
I hope the Legislature will follow Falmouth’s lead and restrict certain e-mail communications at the local and state level.
Bonny Rodden
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