Bernazzani takes second
in regional essay contest

ANDOVER, Mass. — Sophia Bernazzani of Portland, a student at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., won second place for her grade in an essay contest based on the theme “What the American flag means to me.”

The contest was held by the New England region of the Fleet Reserve Association, with Bernazzini sponsored by the Pinetree Branch 156 of Brunswick.

Koster earns Girl
Scout silver award

SOUTH PORTLAND — Girl Scouts of Maine presented Portland Girl Scout Johanna Koster with the Silver Award at the annual Silver and Gold Award Ceremony.

Koster, a member of troop 1712 and student at King Middle School, received the award for completing a community service project leading arts and crafts activities at the 2008 Girl Scout fall camporee.


Burke chosen for Unum’s
Teachers’ Hall of Fame

PORTLAND — David Burke, a math teacher at Casco Bay High School in Portland, was selected as Unum’s Teachers’ Hall of Fame, Starting 9 program.

Casco Bay High School principal Derek Pierce nominated Burke, highlighting Burke’s role in the “Junior Journey,” program. Burke has helped plan trips to West Virginia and Mississippi for high school juniors to perform community service and experience a different culture.

Unum has partnered with the Portland Sea Dogs and the Maine Coalition for Excellence in Education to celebrate exemplary teachers in Maine’s public schools.   

Portland school social
worker receives award

PORTLAND — Sophie Payson, a social worker at Portland High School, received an award of recognition from Maine Department of Education Commissioner Susan Gendron for her dropout prevention work.


Payson has helped develop the Fresh Start Program and is involved in policy change through her seat on the state’s advisory committee on truancy, dropout and alternative education.



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