Please join me in supporting Joe Wrobleski’s re-election to the Falmouth Town Council. Through his work as the council’s liaison to the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee (LPAC), I have come to know Joe as a knowledgeable advocate of reasonable natural resources protection policies. LPAC (and its predecessor, CPAC) has been working for over a year at the direction of the council to recast the town’s shoreland zoning and wetlands ordinances in accordance with current state law with the intent to make the ordinances less confusing, easier to use by the public and by town staff, and more in keeping with scientific principles. I am impressed by Joe’s ability to balance the public goal of protecting habitat resources and water quality with the private rights of property owners to develop their properties.

I was disappointed to read in The Forecaster an interview with a council candidate who dramatically misstates the scope of natural resources protection proposed by LPAC. The actual proposed policies are posted on the LPAC page on the town’s Web site. Candidates and voters interested in this issue should review the policies as well as minutes of LPAC meetings. The council has a lot of work to do over the next year, as the town faces competing financial challenges as well as a review of LPAC’s work. No current councilor or council candidate has more experience with this issue than Joe, and I urge the voters of Falmouth to preserve his important voice on the council.

Kurt E. Klebe

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