Karla M. Schultz, daughter of Virginia Schultz of Westbrook. Honors: Valedictorian, National Honor Society, National Merit Scholar-Commended Student; National Art Honor Society; Bigelow Lab for Ocean Sciences-Keller BLOOM Program; Rotary Youth Leadership; Rensselaer Medal; Class Director (11); Class Secretary (12); Regional Finalist-Envirothon; Celebration of Writing. Academic awards in English, Science, Mathematics, French, and Art. Activities: Positive Peers; Key Club (Treasurer-11); Indoor Track; Outdoor Club; Student Council (Vice-President-12); Lacrosse; Envirothon; Field Hockey; Volunteer at Animal Refuge League; Earthwatch SCAP. Future Plans: will attend Reed College in 2006 and major in animal behavior/pre-vet.

Marcus D. Ziemann, son of Van and Melissa Ziemann of Westbrook. Honors: Salutatorian; National Honor Society; National Latin Exam-Summa Cum Laude and Maxima Cum Laude; Maine Junior Classical League Tourney-Latin III/IV Trophy Winner; East Midland Association Of Classical Teachers Level 2-Greek Distinction; Youth Leadership Award; National Young Leaders Conference; Presidential Inaugural Youth Conference; Southern Maine Athletic Association All-Star-Swimming; Southern Maine Athletic Association All-Academic-Swimming; Coach’s Award-Soccer; Most Valuable Swimmer; Top 16 Times in State-Swimming; Harold Paulson Swimming Award. Academic awards in English, Latin, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Activities: Peer Tutor; Bellringers; Latin Club (Aedile Officer-11); Outdoor Track; Swimming; Club Swimming; Soccer; Volunteer Youth Soccer Coach; Classical Greek class after school; Trombone and Piano Lessons; Lifeguard and CPR Certified; Classes at The Cambridge College Programme in England, University of Southern Maine and St. Joseph’s College. Future Plans: will attend Bowdoin College and major in the Classics and Russian.

Tyler K. Johnson, son of Thomas Johnson and Kathryn MacGregor of Westbrook. Honors: Honor Essayist; National Honor Society (Vice-President-12); Class Director (10); Class Vice-President (11); Bausch and Lomb Award; National Latin Exam-Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Maxima Cum Laude; East Midland Association Of Classical Teachers Level 2S-Greek Distinction; State Qualifier-Swimming; Southern Maine Athletic Association 1st Team All-Star Doubles-Tennis; Southern Maine Athletic Association All-Academic-Cross Country; Most Improved Runner-Cross Country; Envirothon Regional Finalist. Academic awards in Mathematics, and Science. Activities: Brass Choir; Swimming; Student Council; Cross Country (Captain-12); Sock’n Buskin Theatre; Tennis; Envirothon; Classical Greek class after school; Church Usher; Church Youth Group; State Youth Council; Mission Trip to New York; Counselor at Summer Camp; Recreation Ski Program; Plays Tuba and Baritone. Future Plans: will attend Tufts University and major in architectural studies.

Andrew E. Cutter, son of Erland and Judy Cutter of Westbrook. Honors: No. 4 in class; National Honor Society (President-12); University of Southern Maine Book Award; I Dare You Book Award; National Latin Exam-Magna Cum Laude; Class Treasurer (10,11); Class Vice-President (9,12); Maine Principals’ Award; Southern Maine Athletic Association All Academic-Soccer and Swimming; Coach’s Award- Soccer. Academic award in French. Activities: Outdoor Club; Outdoor Track; Bellringers; Baseball; Basketball; Swimming; Soccer (Captain-12); Natural Helpers. Future Plans: will attend Stonehill College and major in biology.

Christopher L. Dahms, son of Larry and Maureen Dahms of Westbrook. Honors: No. 5 in class; National Honor Society; Best Rebounder-Basketball; Best Offense-Basketball; Blazes Best Basketball Award; Most Valuable Player-Basketball and Lacrosse; McDonald’s Basketball All-Stars; Southern Maine Athletic Association Basketball All-Star; Southern Maine Athletic Association All-Academic-Soccer and Basketball. Academic awards in Spanish and Art. Activities: Lacrosse; Spanish Club; Bellringers; Basketball (Captain-12); Soccer. Future Plans: will attend Wheaton College.

Gretchen E. Carroll, daughter of Kathleen Carroll of Westbrook. Honors: No. 6 in class; National Honor Society; Williams College Book Award. Academic awards in Chinese and Music. Activities: Key Club (Treasurer-10); Jazz Band; Chamber Choir; Brass Choir; Pep Band; Marching Band (Drum Major-12); Maine District 1 Music Festival; All-State Music Festival; Portland Youth Wind Ensemble; “Monday Night Ensemble;” Trumpet Lessons. Future Plans: will attend the Hartt School at the University of Hartford and major in instrumental music education.


Nathaniel S. Foster, son of Maxine Foster of Westbrook and David Foster of South Portland. Honors: No. 7 in class; National Honor Society (Treasurer-12); National Merit Scholar-Commended Student; All-State Acting Award; Regional Acting Award; All-State Ensemble Acting Award; All-State Jazz Trombone Award; Southern Maine Jazz Trombone Award; All-State Tuba Award; Southern Mane Tuba Award; All-State Euphonium Award. Academic awards in Chinese, Mathematics, Music, and Theatre. Activities: Brass Choir; Jazz Band; Pep Band; Marching Band; Interact Club; Jazz Band Combo; Chinese Club; Sock’n Buskin Theatre (Vice-President-11, President-12); Tennis; University of Southern Maine Summer Theatre Academy. Future Plans: will attend Adelphi University and major in theatre arts/acting.

Marcia D. Wescott, daughter of Wayne and Diane Wescott of Westbrook. Honors: No. 8 in class; National Honor Society. Academic Award in Chinese. Activities: Pep Band; Chinese Club (President-11); Marching Band (Section Leader-11,12); Percussion Ensemble; Key Club; Sock’n Buskin Theatre; Academic Decathlon; Library Aide; 4-H Exchange Club; Southern Maine Youth Percussion Ensemble; ACE Camp. Future Plans: will attend Daniel Webster College and major in aviation flight operations.

Michelle R. Testa, daughter of John and Donna Testa of Westbrook. Honors: No. 9 in class; National Honor Society; National Art Honor Society; Smith College Book Award. Academic award in Art. Activities: Key Club (President-10), Student Council; Substance Abuse Task Force; French Club; Horseback Riding; Organized Horseback Riding Show for Charity. Future Plans: will attend Massachusetts College of Art and major in communication design.

Katelyn M. Chapman, daughter of Jeffrey and Roxanne Chapman of Westbrook. Honors: No. 10 in class; National Honor Society (President-12); National Latin Exam-Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude; I Dare You Book Award; Rotary Youth Leadership (11, Facilitator-12); Voice of Democracy-1st Place; Class Director (9); Class President (10,11); Oakhurst “Athlete of the Week;” Southern Maine Athletic Association All Academic-Soccer; Southern Maine Athletic Association All-Star-Racewalking. Activities: French Club; Key Club; Project Adventure; Bellringers; Soccer (Captain-11,12); Natural Helpers; Interact Club; Student Council (Vice-President-11,12); Outdoor Track; Basketball; Outdoor Club; Youth Mentor, Soup Kitchen Volunteer; Volunteer Youth Soccer Coach; Interview Committee for the Soccer Coach and Strategic Leadership Team. Future Plans: will attend the University of Tampa and major in marketing/psychology.

Michelle E. Olney, daughter of Rachel Posner of Westbrook. Honors: No. 11 in class; National Honor Society; Harvard Book Award; Celebration of Writing Award; National Latin Exam-Magna Cum Laude; University of Rochester Humanities Award. Academic awards in English and Social Studies. Activities: Marching Band; Latin Club; Writer’s Group; Key Club (Secretary-11,12). Future Plans: will attend Brandeis University and major in linguistics or creative writing.

Kara M. Taliento, daughter of Louis and Susan Taliento of Westbrook. Honors: No. 12 in class; National Honor Society; National Latin Exam-Magna Cum Laude; Celebration of Writing Award; Class Director (10,12); Coach’s Award- Basketball. Academic award in French. Activities: Key Club; Natural Helpers; Basketball (Captain-12); Student Council (President-12); Outdoor Track; Substance Abuse Task Force; Project Adventure; Search Committee for the Basketball Coach. Future Plans: will attend the University of Connecticut.

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