Cutline (village school kids) – A class of fourth-grade students from Village Elementary School recently toured the Statehouse with Rep. Chris Barstow, D-Gorham, on the right. At the conclusion of the tour, Barstow and Sen. Philip Bartlett, D-Gorham, on the left, introduced the students to Gov. John Baldacci. Courtesy photo
Cutline (Sensale-Guerin) – National Small Business Person of the Year Marianne Sensale-Guerin is congratulated by Sen. Susan Collins last week in Washington, D.C. Courtesy photo
Gorham woman named top Small Business Person
Sen. Susan Collins met last week in Washington, D.C., with Marianne Sensale-Guerin of Gorham to congratulate her on being the first Mainer chosen as the National Small Business Person of the Year by President George Bush and the Small Business Administration.
Marianne, who lost her husband in an industrial accident in 2000, is sole owner and president of Guerin Associates, LLC. The environmental services company specializes in removing, replacing, cleaning and retrofitting of fuel storage tanks. In the company’s four-year history, it has grown from four employees to 20, with two locations in Gorham and Presque Isle.
“It’s truly an honor for the entire state of Maine for Marianne to be named the National Small Business Person of the Year,” Collins said. “Marianne’s determination, strong work ethic and good business sense has allowed her to build a successful business in our great state. This national award brings attention to the great business opportunities that are available throughout Maine.”
The SBA selects the person of the year based on their record of stability, growth in employment and sales, financial condition, innovation, response to adversity and community service.
Whitten to address historians
Maurice Whitten will be the guest speaker when the Gorham Historical Society meets at 7 p.m. Monday, May 9, in the Gorham Savings Bank operations center off Gray Road.
Whitten, a retired chemistry professor at the University of Southern Maine, will talk on the topic “Whitten’s Maine Travel Log.” Also an author, Whitten wrote a history, “The Gunpowder Mills of Gorham, Maine.”
Refreshments will be served and the public is invited.
VFW to meet
Gorham memorial Post 10879 will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10, in the West Gorham Fire Station on Route 25. George O. Gerrish is the post commander.
Marines meet and greet
Local Marines will meet informally for coffee followed by lunch at noon on Tuesday, May 10, at Verrillo’s on Riverside Street in Portland.
For more information, call Jim Hughes at 839-4972.
Union Church bean supper
The Ladies Circle of the West Gorham Union Church on Route 25 are sponsoring a beans and casserole supper from 5 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 7. $6, $2.50
Cutline: Tim Millett and his Eagle Scout project at Narragansett School. Courtesy photo
Millett completes Eagle Narragansett project
Tim Millett built the storage shed at Narragansett School as a community service requirement for Eagle Scout. A member of Gorham Troop 817, Millett earned scouting’s highest honor, Eagle Scout, on March 10.
The school has used the 10-by-12-by-10-foot shed to store playground and physical education equipment since mid-winter. The shed frees up space for the physical education teacher at the school.
Millett is a sophomore at Gorham High School and is an honor student. He is a member of the varsity lacrosse team and the junior varsity soccer team. Last fall, Millett received the “Order of the Arrow,” which is the highest award for a Boy Scout. He is the son of Don and Jane Millett of Phinney Street and the grandson of Dorothy Millett of Highland Cliff Road, Windham.
The Eagle project took 356 volunteer hours and about one year to complete after its first approval. Materials cost $1,500, which was raised through fundraising. Monies were raised from a bottle drive, a neighborhood yard sale on Phinney Street and donations from individuals and Gorham businesses.
Those who made contributions included Casco Federal Credit Union, Cook’s Hardware, Susan Duchaine/Design Dwellings, Phinney Lumber, Thad Moody/Moody’s Collision Center, Shawn and Lisa McDermott, Dan McDermott, Bob Oliver, Fred and Terry LaMontagne, Norman and Janice Weed, Kathy Farwell and Peter Mirkin, Althea Masterson, Martha Gaythwaite/Friedman Gaythwaite Wolf and Leavitt, and the residents of Phinney Street as well as fellow scouts and adult leaders of Troop 817.
Grace and Rachel to perform with children’s choir
Grace and Rachel Eaton will perform with the Southern Maine Children’s Chorus at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, at Freeport High School.
The chorus, conducted by Lise Dunn, will perform a program of multi-cultural and traditional choral work. Comprised of more than 80 children, is actually two choirs – a training choir and a concert choir. Grace and Rachel, who are home schooled, will be two of the 39 singers who will perform with the training choir.
Following the concert choir, the training choir will perform an Irish folk song and three Dominican folk songs. They will be joined by special guests, the string quartet from the Coastal Youth Orchestra and a small parent choir to perform excerpts from Vivaldi’s “Gloria.”
Both choirs will collaborate singing “First Lady” by Nick Page to conclude the evening.
The concert, sponsored by Bank of America and the University of Southern Maine School of Music, is free and open to the public.
50 years ago
The American Journal reported in its issue of May 11, 1955, that Pfc. Harold A. Lowe, USMC, was stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif., after serving in Korea.
U.S. taxpayer debt
The Bureau of Public Debt reported on Wednesday, April 27, that the U.S. debt was $7,775,371,948,129.31.
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