Cutline: Amber Rose Collins

Collins on dean’s list

Amber Rose Collins has been named to the dean’s list at Colby College in Waterville.

She was one of the first girls to enter Cheverus in Portland, where she was on the honor roll throughout high school.

Collins is the daughter of Elizabeth Collins of South Portland and the granddaughter of Fred and Geneva Collins of Westbrook.

Cutline: Laurie St. Jock


St. Jock honored

Westbrook dispatcher Laurie St. Jock was presented a silent hero certificate on Wednesday by the Maine Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association in a ceremony at Verillo’s in Portland.

She was cited for her professionalism and can-do attitude that has earned her the respect and admiration of her peers. “She displays such a genuine level of caring for the public and Westbrook’s public safety providers that is rare even among those within our profession. Laurie is always willing to offer help to her co-workers, train the new employees and take the extra shifts. She also works locally to promote the 9-1-1 for kids program,” her nomination said.

St. Jock has been with Westbrook Public Safety for 24 years.

Commemorative mug set

The Warren Memorial Library, 479 main St., has commemorative mug and booklet sets available for a $3 donation to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the paper mill.


For more information, inquire at the circulation desk at the library or call 854-5891.

Cutline: The “Longfellow Sweethearts” at Longfellow Place of the Red hat Society took two limousines on March 23 to have lunch at the Blast from the Past in Waterboro. They said everyone had a blast and would do it again. Courtesy photo

Borelli on dean’s list

Kara Borelli has been named to the dean’s list at Merrimack College in North Andover, Mass., for the fall semester.

Seniors to meet

The Westbrook Senior Citizens will meet for a meatloaf dinner at noon Monday, April 18, in the Westbrook-Warren Congregational Church, 810 Main St.


The seniors are planning a trip to Tennessee May 2-7 for the “Spring festival of National Dollywood.”

For more information, call 854-2292 or 854-2705.

Rummage sale

The Prides Corner Congregational Church, 235 Pride St., is sponsoring a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 23.

The sale will feature a large variety of white elephant items.

Cutline: Junior Girl Scouts recently earned a Theater Badge in a day. Pictured left to right are Susan Kirkland, Katelyn Lasater and Samantha Nealy. Courtesy photo.


Scouts earn theater badge

Westbrook Junior Girl Scout Troop 1725, under the leadership of Karen Lasater and Dianne Barney, sponsored a Theater Badge in a day for junior troops from Westbrook, Gorham and Scarborough.

The girls made frog masks and used them in a skit called “The Frog Who Lost Her Jump.” Troop 1725 girls made a backdrop for their original comedy skit, “The Radio Show.”

The workshop was directed by Melissa Bornmann, a theater coach from Drama Kids International.

Cutline: Under the leadership of Robin Goodwin, Westbrook Girl Scout Brownie Troop 476 recently made a quilt for the Maine Children’s Cancer Center for Have a Heart Month. Courtesy photo

Cutline (legion #1-ajeditimages) – First Sgt. Phil Ceaser of Company B of Maine’s 133rd Engineer Battalion chats with Charlie Melanson of Windham and Roger LeBorgne of Westbrook, on the right, on Wednesday at the Stephen W. Manchester Post 62 of the American Legion. Ceaser, who was deployed to Iraq, was the guest speaker at the April meeting of the post. Melanson served with the Navy in Korea and LaBorgne, a World War II veteran, served with the army’s occupational forces in Japan. Staff photo by Robert Lowell

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