Westbrook’s elementary school students will be outside enjoying the spring weather tomorrow morning by taking a one-mile walk to raise awareness of the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society’s efforts to find a cure.

The idea for the walk, dubbed the “Kids TeamWalk,” comes from Timothy Walker, the school department’s director of student services. Walker will be running this month’s Boston Marathon as a member of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training. Walker will be running the race in honor of Westbrook High School senior Brittany Dahms, who has been battling leukemia for over a year.

As a member of the Team in Training, Walker is running for Brittany, but he is also running to raise money for leukemia and lymphoma research. He has set a fundraising goal of $26,200, or $1,000 for each mile of the 26.2-mile race.

As part of his efforts, Walker organized “Team in Training II” among the students in Canal, Congin, Prides Corner and Saccarappa schools. Thursday morning at 9:30, the students will be walking from the new boardwalk at Saccarappa Falls through downtown Westbrook and ending up at the high school. The rain date for the walk is April 12.

Besides raising awareness about leukemia and lymphoma research, Team in Training II is also intended to help promote healthy exercise habits to students. “Team in training II is an educational experience for Westbrook students designed to promote teamwork, service to others and healthy habits among our students,” said Walker.

The program began in March, when Walker visited each of the elementary schools and discussed with the students how he trains to run a marathon. In addition, Walker and the students discussed the benefits of regular exercise, healthy eating and setting personal fitness goals. All through March, the students began preparing for Thursday’s walk. They participated in exercises to help build their stamina and energy and tracked their weekly accomplishments.

Recently, the Westbrook Kiwanis Club donated $500 to Team in Training to help support Westbrook’s efforts. The Kiwanis Club made the donation after hearing a presentation about Team in Training from Janet Crawford, the school department’s director of gifted education, who is helping coordinate the project.

“We felt that this is a cause that we can rally behind,” said Kiwanis Club President John Bernier.

Anyone wishing to donate to help Walker reach his fundraising goal can send their checks made out to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to Janet Crawford, Westbrook School Department, 117 Stroudwater St., Westbrook, Maine, 04092. All checks should be received by May 1, and all donations are tax deductible.

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