Flavored tobacco products have been a big issue for some time now and are often overlooked. All tobacco products may lead to health risks, but flavored tobacco products are a gateway substance for teens. They are the leading cause of teen tobacco addiction in our state. Something has to change.Many children start a life of nicotine dependency after using a flavored tobacco product. Four out of five teens have reported that their first tobacco product was flavored. This staggering statistic highlights the core reason to support an end to flavored tobacco sales in Maine: We need to protect our youth.Believing that your child is not in danger of tobacco addiction is naive. It’s everywhere, and tobacco companies are targeting youth. Being a high school student, I see this far too often. Kids my age are more likely to start using flavored products because they don’t like plain tobacco products. Addiction in teenagers is also commonly overlooked, not helping the situation.Bangor and Portland were the first municipalities in Maine to approve ending sales of flavored tobacco products within city limits. This has sent a clear message to tobacco companies that Mainers will not stand by while Maine children are targeted!There is currently a bill to end the sale of flavored tobacco throughout our state, L.D. 1550. If passed, Maine will be the sixth state in our country to end flavored tobacco sales. Please consider contacting your local legislators and tell them that you are ready to put Maine’s children first. Daniel VannahWaldoboro

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