Don’t give Vladimir Putin so much credit. I say this because a lot of smart people have spent a lot of ink trying to find insight into Putin’s motivations to invade Ukraine. Is it a desire to have Soviet-style hegemony over Europe? Or is it Pan-Slavism? Has Putin deluded himself into believing he’s some mythical “King of The Slavic Peoples,” bound by tribal law to unite them under his protection?

Or none of the above.

Volodya Putin is just a gangster. An uncommon criminal. He’s the wealthiest and most powerful Mafia boss in history. He threatens, he tortures, he kills, but mostly he steals. He’s looted Russia’s natural resources and treasury, and now he’s turned his eyes toward Ukraine. His troops – decimated by corruption, low on rations, driving poorly maintained vehicles low on diesel – are told to loot Ukraine as they go. If Ukraine falls, the typical Russian soldier (if they survive) may take home some jewelry or a PlayStation, but Boss Putin and his gang get the real spoils.

The conflict in Ukraine isn’t a clash of ideologies – it’s a strong-arm robbery. Putin is no different from John Dillinger, Whitey Bulger or John Gotti.

Also, some have asked the question: “Why didn’t Putin do this when Donald Trump was president?” Well, ask yourself what shrewd gangster would take the risk of kicking in the front door of a bank when, for four years, the bank manager was willingly slipping them the key to the backdoor?

Jeremy Smith
Old Orchard Beach

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