Steven Wallace

Steven Wallace

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: One of the chamber’s goals for 2013 is increased programing in educational offerings for the region’s business community. With that in mind, the chamber has a number of seminars designed for “Small Business Success.” “Read ’em and Smile — Making Sense of Financial Statements: A Primer for Small Business Owners and Managers” is a three-part series on April 4, 11 and 18. Partners for this series are the Brunswick Downtown Association, the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Each seminar meets 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Village



Room, Priority Business Center, 2 Main St., Topsham, Maine.

Brad Swanson, a SBDC certified master business counselor, will explain the basics of accounting and how financial reports are generated, what they mean and how they can be used to understand where you’ve been and project where you want to go, financially, in your small business.

Session 1 — The Accounting and Financial Reporting System: participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of the basic accounting system, concepts and vocabulary. Methods for capturing, reporting and utilizing accounting information will be introduced and participants will have an opportunity to practice their new understanding through an interactive case study or two.

Session 2 — The Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow: participants will learn to generate, read and understand just what each of these three important financial statements is telling them about their business financial performance, financial position and cash flow. Examples will be given and case studies utilized to enhance comprehension.

Session 3 — Financial Management — putting it all together: participants will bore down deeper into what they have learned to analyze real world business situations and project financial outcomes. New financial management tools such as common sizing and break even analysis will be introduced to enhance participants’ ability to manage their financial decisions.

Sign up for one, two or all three of the seminars. Registration is required because the class size is limited. Register online at

UPCOMING EVENTS: “Expert Positioning to Promote and Grow Your Business” is the first of a series of “Brown Bag Lunch Seminars” to help businesses market and grow their businesses through social media and online marketing. Presenter is Jim Bouchard, founder and master instructor at Northern Chi Martial Arts Center. He built a nationally recognized brand and his speaking and multi-media business through Expert Positioning and social media marketing. Meets at Topsham Public Library, March 20, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free, please register.

The Midcoast Regional Business to Business Expo (B2B) is Wednesday, March 27, 3 to 5 p.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Brunswick. Partners include Brunswick Downtown Association, Georgetown Business Association, Harpswell Business Association, Main Street Bath, Phippsburg Business Association, Bowdoin Business Network, Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber, Positive Change Lisbon and Wiscasset Chamber. This dynamic event is sponsored by Mechanics Savings Bank, Mid Coast Hospital, and BEK, Inc. For more information on reserving a display space, contact The deadline to reserve display space is Friday.

Immediately following the B2B Expo is the best in regional networking, Chamber After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Continue to find unlimited opportunities to build strategic partnerships and grow your business. Free for businesses to attend.

MEMBERS IN THE NEWS: The chamber welcomes Rusty’s Market Grille & Groceries, a convenience store located on Middlesex Road, Topsham. To discover more about chamber members, go to or download MyChamberApp for use on your mobile phone or tablet.

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