HEATHER PARKER, left, and Angela Shambarger with donated Ipad.

HEATHER PARKER, left, and Angela Shambarger with donated Ipad.

LISBON — The Lisbon Community School Parent Teacher Organization recently announced the donation of a brand-new Ipad for its spring auction event on May 4.

The donation, valued at nearly $700, was made by Mary Noyes.

According to a news release, Noyes serves on several boards, including the Maine Center for Creativity, Coastal Studies for Girls, Portland Ovations, True North, Friends of the Eastern Promenade and Steadman Phillippon Research Institute.

Heather Parker, a Noyes employee, said, “Mary is a great person and loves to collaborate and share. We talked about the auction. Mary said she wanted to do something to support the kids at LCS. The Ipad is a great fit, combining technology and education.”

The Ipad donated is wifi capable, with 64 gb of memory and optical recognition.

For more information, contact the LCS PTO Auction Committee at 423-7566 or visit the auction team on Facebook at www.facebook.com/lcsptoauction.

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