BEAU EYE CARE at 15 Winners Circle in Topsham.

BEAU EYE CARE at 15 Winners Circle in Topsham.

SERVICES OR GOODS OFFERED: Optometric services, such as eye exams, glasses, contact lens, sun and sports wear, eye emergencies, eye disease treatment. LOCATION: 15 Winners Circle, Topsham. HOURS: Monday, Wednesday through Friday, 8 a.m. to

5 p.m.; Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. TELEPHONE: 406-4635. OWNER: Dr. Peter A. Beauboeuf. EXPERIENCE: Treating native Alaskans in Alaska, large ophthalmology firm, private practice; Togus, VA. UNUSUAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS:

Convenient location in Topsham Fair Mall and flexible hours. PLANS: Beau Eye Care is focused on providing the greater Topsham/Brunswick area with a locally owned optometry office with the old-fashioned caring and resources for lifelong eye care.

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