Marine Animals of Maine, based in Bath, was recently picked as one of Casco Bay Estuary Partnership’s 2023 Casco Bay Community Grants award recipients. CBEP awarded $30,000 to nine recipients. The Community Grants Program supports new partnerships and innovative projects that engage communities with Casco Bay and its watershed.
Marine Mammals of Maine’s awarded grant will go toward its “Municipal Outreach and Education about Seal Strandings” project, which has a goal to increase community and municipal education around seals and seal strandings. Funding will support personnel community engagement and the distribution of educational signage.
Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District was another recipient of a grant, which will go towards the expansion of its TroutKids program by purchasing materials for students to raise brook trout in the classroom and funding to train teacher and coordinate the field trip release of trout in local waterways.
Other grant recipients are Cape Elizabeth Land Trust, Town of Cumberland Sustainability Committee, Falmouth Land Trust, Gorham Middle School, Lakes Environmental Association, Loon Echo Land Trust and Yarmouth Community Services.

A 2018 TroutKids expedition hosted by Portland Water District. Photo contributed by Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
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