Hope Wilson Haug

Hope Wilson Haug 1924 – 2022 BRUNSWICK – Hope Wilson Haug died peacefully on Aug. 14, 2022, in Brunswick, at the MidCoast Senior Health Center. She was 97. Born in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 22, 1924, she was the daughter of Gladys Remick and Jesse S. Wilson, granddaughter of New Hampshire Supreme Court Justice James W. Remick and Mary P. Remick. She grew up in Winchester, Mass. and Kittery Point, Maine. She attended Winchester public schools, Brimmer and May School in Boston and Wellesley College class of 1947, where she served as president of her class for 3 years. Hope was a lifelong Red Sox fan and often walked with her father from their home on Commonwealth Avenue to Fenway Park to attend games during the 30’s and 40’s. In 1946 she married John R. Haug of Philadelphia, whom she met during the war when he was stationed at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. After he returned from the Pacific theatre they settled in Marblehead, Mass. where they lived for 36 years raising three children. As an active volunteer, she spent many years with the Boston Museum of Science, where she developed and acted as president of the newly formed Service League. She was appointed to the Board of Trustees as a lifetime trustee and was proud to be the first woman to serve on the Executive Committee. She was also active as a volunteer at the Peabody Essex Museum of Salem, Mass. Hope was an accomplished needle pointer and knitter. She organized and participated in a project to create all the kneelers at St. Michael’s Church in Marblehead, and her needlepoint can also be found at the St. Luke’s Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Maine and the summer chapel All Saints By-the-Sea, Bailey Island, Maine. All her family wore her handmade Irish knit sweaters, and Hope was constantly knitting for grandchildren as well as church fairs. In 1984 Hope and John moved to South Freeport, Maine. Avid sailors, they spent summers at their cottage on Bailey Island and cruised the coast of Maine every summer, even getting as far as the St. Lawrence Seaway in Canada. They were also active skiers, spending 35 years skiing at Sugarloaf and made several trips with friends to ski the Alps. Other extensive travels in Europe with family and friends were the highlights of their retirement years. Hope loved life. She was enthusiastic and outgoing and was always interested in what was going on in the lives of the people around her. She made friends with people of all ages and from all walks of life. During the years when she and John lived in South Freeport, they served as host family for numerous international students at Bowdoin College. Many of those students were hockey players. Hope and John began attending the home games and became devoted fans of the Bowdoin hockey team. Hope was predeceased by John, her husband of 62 years. She is survived by her three children, Sarah H. Murphy (Sugden) of New Castle, NH, John B. Haug (Claudia) of Ponte Vedra, Fla. and Anne P. Winter (Eric) of Readfield, Maine; as well as eight grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at St Paul’s Church, Brunswick, ME on Tuesday, August 30, at 1 p.m., also livestreamed at stpaulsmaine.org. In lieu of flowers her family requests contributions to the: Hope and John Haug Endowment Fund MidCoast Hospital P. O. Box 279 Brunswick, ME 04011

Hope Wilson Haug

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