PREVIOUS ELECTED EXPERIENCE: Lisbon Town Council – Chairman

Do you think the town is investing enough money in economic development? Why or why not?

I think we’re all frustrated with the lack of growth, both in Lisbon and in Maine at large. The question is what to do about it. The town of Lisbon already invests a substantial amount in economic development every year, and has a large pool of money available as loans for local businesses to draw on, so I don’t feel that the problem is lack of funding, nor do I think big increases in funding would necessarily bring new businesses knocking. One of my childhood heroes taught us: “work smarter, not harder”. Instead of just throwing money at its problems, Lisbon needs to think creatively about how to encourage new business development from within, help our existing businesses to expand and find new markets, and perhaps draw one or two major businesses from outside the town. Lisbon could also get a large bang for its buck by working in partnership with business owners to improve the appearance of the town, making Lisbon a more appealing place to live, work, and shop.

Do you think the town council should support a higher school budget or continue to hold the line on or cut the tax-generated funds that support education in Lisbon? Explain the answer.

The job of the Council is to balance the needs of the people against what the people can afford to pay in taxes. I believe in working with the School Board to find the best solutions to the needs of the children of Lisbon within the means of the town, and avoid drawn-out fights like the one that roiled the town last year. I believe I have shown that disciplined approach in my previous terms on the Council. Three areas that I would like to see focused on are expanded vocational training, the redevelopment of the old gym at the high school into a performing arts center, and better preparing our students for the technology centered job market of the future.

What can you contribute to the town as a town councilor of elected?

I have previously served as a Town Councilor for two terms, including serving as the Council Chairman. I can bring my experience to begin working for the people of Lisbon on my first day on the job – no training required. I know how to take a budget apart and examine it line-by-line to find the fat and hold government accountable.

These last few years Lisbon has been riven by unnecessary strife largely created by members of the current Council. I believe that Lisbon needs a change of leadership to bring a fresh perspective to local government. If elected, I would strive to end the current Council’s approach of stonewalling and ignoring the public, and instead work with, and for, the people.

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