The recent smart meter case, which advanced to the Maine Supreme Court, drew  national attention to the concern that unseen forces in the environment such as  radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields (EMF) may adversely impact human  health. The effects of cell phones, smart meters and power lines/substations have  all been under study. 

Studies consistently demonstrated increased risk of childhood leukemia

Multiple statistically significant research studies have consistently demonstrated an increased risk of childhood leukemia for children living close to high voltage power lines who are exposed to EMF levels greater than 3-4 mG (milligaus). 
The National Cancer Institute has referred to 4 mG as “a very high” level because that’s the level at which there was a doubling of the risk of childhood leukemia.
The World Health Organization reported in “the monograph Extremely Low Frequency Fields Environmental Health Criteria No. 238” that “nine well conducted studies” and 15 pooled studies demonstrated an increased risk of childhood leukemia for children exposed to EMF levels above 3-4 mG while living close to high voltage lines. 
The WHO reported that it’s unlikely the results of the childhood leukemia studies are due to chance because the pooled studies included large numbers of children.
The Texas Supreme Court permanently enjoined the use of a 345,000 volt electric transmission line constructed next to Klein Independent Middle School after hearing testimony by Dr. Nancy Wertheimer who was one of the authors of the original childhood leukemia study. The line was moved to another location.
Several years ago, the Connecticut Legislature voted unanimously to require that all 345,000 volt lines be buried underground near homes, schools, daycare centers and other areas where children reside or frequent because of the childhood leukemia studies.

EMF blocked ability of tamoxifen to stop growth of breast cancer cells

Researchers have also examined the possibility that EMF can cause brain tumors, breast cancer, adult leukemia and miscarriages in pregnant women. 
Girgert et al reported in a Nov. 4, 2005, article in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications that EMF levels of 12 mG blocked the ability of Tamoxifen (a cancer-fighting drug) to control the growth of breast cancer cells in the laboratory, confirming the results of previous studies: 
• Increased risk of lymphoma in dogs exposed to higher EMF levels.
According to a Feb. 15, 1995, American Journal of Epidemiology article, Reif et al reported that dogs who lived in homes with a very high current category had a 6.8 fold excess risk of developing lymphoma. Risk increased among dogs who spent more than 25 percent of the day outdoors.
• California researchers agreed EMF possible cause of Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
A group of researchers from the California Department of Health and Human Services, who were experienced in examining EMF studies, all agreed that EMF is a possible cause Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS).
• Federal officials advised utility companies should reduce human exposure. 
After reviewing all of the available evidence available at that time regarding possible health effects of EMF exposure, federal officials on the 1999 EMF RAPID team advised that utility companies should site electric power lines to reduce human exposure.

Homeowners can limit EMF exposure from household appliances

Electric transmission lines and substations aren’t the only source of EMF exposure in the environment. Electrical wiring in homes, including ground wires and electrical wiring on plumbing fixtures can also be a source of EMF exposure.
Microwaves, vacuum cleaners, color television sets, electric hairdryers and other household appliances are other sources of electromagnetic fields. However, unlike electric transmission lines and substations, which cause constant exposure to those who live near them, the amount of EMF exposure from appliances can be controlled by homeowners. 
The following are some suggested ways to reduce your family’s level of EMF exposure:
• Purchase an EMF tester online and check the levels in and outside your home.
• Measure levels in every room of your home.
• Request EMF testing in your children’s schools. 
• Don’t sleep next to circuit breaker boxes or electric appliances.
• Stand as far away as possible from electric appliances while in use.
• Sit laptops on a desk or table instead of on your lap.
• Avoid using electric hair dryers, and especially with children.
• Plug curling irons in to heat. Then unplug while curling hair and plug back in to heat when it cools down in between curling.
• Use electric rollers instead of curling irons.
• Avoid using microwave ovens or don’t stand near those while in operation.
• Limit your child’s use of computers and computerized games or objects.
• Limit exposure to color televisions by increasing distance and reducing number of hours spent in front of color television.
While none of these suggestions are a guarantee against any of the possible adverse effects of EMF, including cancer, reducing human EMF exposure is recommended by experts.

Wanda Curtis is a Master’s-prepared nurse and journalist who specializes in health and family-related articles.

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