SUSAN CRANEY, who once ran the Starlight Cafe, is the new cook at Gilmore’s in Bath. “I was so excited about the wide-open opportunity that Bennie (Gilmore) was offering,” Craney said.

SUSAN CRANEY, who once ran the Starlight Cafe, is the new cook at Gilmore’s in Bath. “I was so excited about the wide-open opportunity that Bennie (Gilmore) was offering,” Craney said.

Ben Gilmore had been wanting to add some new wrinkles to the seafood business that he and his brother, Kevin, own at 129 Court St.

The Gilmores know that people are looking for healthier diet options. They know that people like to sit outside to eat in nice weather. And they want to heighten their company’s sense of community, through special events and charitable giving.

“I was driving by one Sunday morning, early. ... I knew (Ben) would be there. I said, ‘you know what, I wonder if he’d like me to bake cookies for him for the summer.’”

“I was driving by one Sunday morning, early. … I knew (Ben) would be there. I said, ‘you know what, I wonder if he’d like me to bake cookies for him for the summer.’”

While the Gilmores had their own visions, Susan Craney had thoughts of her own.

BEN GILMORE fills a seafood case with ice at his Bath business. “She’s very creative,” Ben said of new cook Susan Craney. “I wanted her on board for her creativity, and to plan our special events.”

BEN GILMORE fills a seafood case with ice at his Bath business. “She’s very creative,” Ben said of new cook Susan Craney. “I wanted her on board for her creativity, and to plan our special events.”

“I was driving by one Sunday morning, early,” Craney said. “I knew (Ben) would be there. I said, ‘you know what, I wonder if he’d like me to bake cookies for him for the summer.’”

The Gilmores liked the cookie idea, but took it much further. Craney, who had been working in activities at HillHouse Assisted Living in Bath, accepted the position of cook — which in this case also means landscaper and public relations specialist — on May 9.

“I was so excited about the wide-open opportunity that Bennie was offering,” Craney said. “We’ve expanded the menu, we’re getting away from fried food a little bit. I’m baking for Gilmore’s, and for their other store, Cundy’s Harbor Wharf and General Store. I’m making salads, and I’m the event coordinator.”

Gilmore’s remains a place in Bath where people can go for fresh, takeout seafood. But now, the place is landscaped with flowers, and attractive picnic tables. Craney has planted beds with flowers, as well as herbs and vegetables she will use in her salads and cooking.

“We have plans,” Craney said.

Among them: Gilmore’s will host its first “community lobster bake behind the market,” during Heritage Days on Sunday, July 7. Tickets are on sale at Gilmore’s and at Hair Creations at the Bath Shopping Center. Gilmore’s also will enter a float in the Heritage Days parade.


Craney, who once ran the Starlight Cafe, also is leading Gilmore’s into catering. In addition to her huge cookies and pies, she is making honey-glazed salmon salad, a grilled salad reuben, anadama bread and even anadama croutons. Gilmore’s is open seven days a week and Craney works six of them — taking only Saturdays off.

“I’m calling myself ‘ya-ya bakes,’” she said. “Ya-ya is Greek for grandma. I have six grand- children and they’re pretty much my inspiration.” Gilmore’s will offer its lobster bakes on a monthly basis, turning over some of the profits to nonprofits, largely the Bath Food Bank. The $2 they will charge for food delivery will go to the food bank.

On Sundays, Craney makes cinnamon rolls, and Gilmore’s offers a great special on a cinnamon roll and coffee.

Above her, as she spoke, a big blackboard on the wall listed the specials to take out — or enjoy at the picnic tables.

“I’d like to do a flat bread white shrimp pizza,” said Craney. “When I had the restaurant, I didn’t have all this fish. Now I have all this wonderful fresh fish. We’re just going for it, and we’re just kind of going for it as we go along.”

Danny Gilmore, who is Ben’s son and runs the Cundy’s Harbor store, knows a thing or two about cooking. He credits Craney with the innovations.


“She says she’s not a chef, but she is,” Gilmore said. “She’s come up with a lot of new ideas.” “She’s very creative,” Ben Gilmore said. “I wanted her on board for her creativity, and to plan our special events.”

Once a week, Gilmore’s will offer fish and other seafood kabobs on its outside grill. Craney, meanwhile, is working on things like haddock wraps and, of course, the Gilmore’s chowders.

“The chowders are so important,” Gilmore said. “Our chowders are so spectacular. She serves them with blueberry cornbread.”

Gilmore and Craney go back a ways — to the time both were paper carriers in Bath. Craney, a 1973 Morse High School graduate, started the Starlight Cafe in 1997, and ran it for 10 years.

“I just got tired,” she said. “I walked away and I didn’t cook at all for a long time — for seven years. The responsibility of owning a business is a tough thing.

“I loved it, though. It had a wonderful karma, as it does today. Angie and Justin Edgerton have done a wonderful job at the Starlight.”

¦ GILMORE’S WILL host its first “community lobster bake behind the market,” during Heritage Days on Sunday, July 7. Tickets are on sale at Gilmore’s and at Hair Creations at the Bath Shopping Center. Gilmore’s also will enter a float in the Heritage Days parade.

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