Steven Wallace

Steven Wallace

President’s message: Summer is almost upon us, and with Memorial Day weekend just around the corner, the “101 critical days of summer” begins — the period starting Memorial Day weekend and ending after Labor Day.

And who doesn’t enjoy the summer? As they say, summers in Maine are picture perfect and make memories for a lifetime. But not always.

Locals and visitors alike enjoy Maine for the vacationland it truly is: hiking, boating, fishing, visiting family and friends and overall, just having a good time. It is also a time of partying, drinking, staying awake long hours and driving more miles than your body has the energy for.



To ensure you stay vacationing — and not in the back of an ambulance — I went to the Maine Warden Service website and found a few tips to share.

Hiking in Maine is as varied as it is beautiful. From our mountains to our coast, Maine offers unsurpassed hiking opportunities. Be sure to bring all the necessary items to get you through a night or two in the woods, even if you have not planned on it.

Always tell someone where you are going and dress appropriately. Summer nights in Maine can prove to be very cold at times, especially if it starts to rain. According to the website, Maine game wardens responded to more than 71 search and rescue calls for lost, injured or overdue hikers last year.

ATVing has become an increasingly popular sport enjoyed by thousands of Mainers and visitors alike. While extremely fun — my wife has had her eye on an ATV for a while now — ATV riding can be a risky sport. Before you ride, learn how to properly use all the mechanical controls and safety devices of your vehicle. Most importantly, always wear a helmet, drive responsibly, and take a safety course before riding.

Boating is another very popular summer recreation and variations include power, hand, and wind-propelled watercraft. Before leaving home, insure you have all the necessary safety equipment to properly operate your craft of choice.


Remember that when heading out either by yourself or with a group, always tell someone where you are going. Keep a close eye to the weather forecast to prepare for any unexpected changes such as thunderstorms, wind and fog. Also, be familiar with the body of water you plan to visit. Learn the depth and any hazards that may be of particular concern.

Local lake associations, Maine guides, and marinas can be very helpful with this information. Most importantly, when out on the water, wear a flotation device.

One of the activities that many outdoor enthusiasts eagerly await is fishing. As with other outdoor activity, always tell someone where you plan to fish before you go. Even if you plan to fish from shore, bring along a life jacket. Rivers, brooks and streams can be very dangerous to navigate, especially in the spring, and wearing a flotation device while standing in any body of water increases your safety and may save your life should you fall and be swept downstream.

You may think I’m nagging you — as I reread this column, I feel like I’m nagging you, too — but I am not. What I am telling you is that in my short 46 years, I’ve known and read about way too many folks who have been needlessly injured or killed because they forgot, or neglected, to follow common sense.

By following the tips I’ve listed above, you should keep yourself and those you love out of the way of senseless tragedy. For more detailed rules and regulations, visit

Upcoming events: A ribbon cutting for Select Physical Therapy is today at 5 p.m., at its new location, 120 Harpswell Road, Brunswick. This is also the location of Maine Pines Racquet & Fitness. Both businesses will host May’s Chamber After Hours immediately following the ribbon cutting, from 5 to 7 p.m. Businesspeople are encouraged to make use of the networking power of the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber. Meet the staff and learn about the facilities and programs offered by Maine Pines Racquet & Fitness and Select Physical Therapy (one of the chamber’s newest members). Door prizes include gift certificates, a “Spotlight on Members” column, flowers from Flowers Etc. and more. This event is free to attend. Please register for this event by calling 725-8797 or register at

Members in the news: SMMC welcomes the Maine Real Estate Network Brunswick, and Wilbur’s of Maine Chocolate Confections, in Freeport and Brunswick, to its membership.

The chamber proudly serves 660 businesses and organizations in the following communities: Arrowsic, Bath, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Brunswick, Dresden, Edgecomb, Georgetown, Harpswell, Phippsburg, Richmond, Topsham, West Bath, Westport Island, Wiscasset and Woolwich.

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