A Westbrook teenager faces several charges of unlawful sexual contact stemming from a series of incidents outside of school.

The student, a 14-year-old eighth-grader at Westbrook Middle School, is still attending school and has a court hearing later this month.

School Superintendent Reza Namin said the administration is taking the situation seriously and has assigned a one-on-one mentor to the teenager to provide ongoing supervision.

Police would not describe the alleged conduct.

A girl’s mother obtained a protection from harassment order against the student, forbidding the student from having contact with her daughter, who also attends the school.

A juvenile hearing on the charges is scheduled for April 15.

The case is unusual. Westbrook Police Chief William Baker said that he is unaware of any such charges against a middle school student in Westbrook since he became chief.

Unlawful sexual contact typically refers to inappropriate sexual touching, not assault.

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