The Scarborough Senior WOW program has a number of activities scheduled for the coming week, as follows:

Wednesday, June 3 – Lunch and entertainment, “Back to Broadway with Chuck and Alex,” 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at Hillcrest Recreation Center, 108 Hillcrest Ave. Cost for the chop suey lunch is $5 or an “As You Like It Ticket.” Transportation provided. Preregistration is required through Community Services at 730-4150 no later than Tuesday, June 2, at noon.

Thursday June 4 – Out to Lunch Bunch, Group 1. There are three Out To Lunch Bunch groups, which visit area restaurants. Call 730-4150 for more information.

Friday, June 5 – Bingo at Hillcrest, 108 Hillcrest Ave., 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., $2 to play. Transportation provided.

Friday, June 5 – Exercise with Lauren Faulkner at Bessey Commons at 3 p.m. Cost is $6 per person, or bring a buddy and each pays $3.

For more information about Senior WOW programs, call Community Services or visit our website at

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